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Extracted Tooth

Oral Facial Surgery of Orange Park provides tooth extraction in Orange Park, Florida. Call 904-269-5195 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is the removal of an entire tooth, including the roots due to an underlying issue. During your consultation Dr. Semidey will analyze your X-rays and do a physical exam to diagnose your potential surgical needs. Many tooth extractions can be performed with local anesthesia used to numb the area where the tooth is located. Impacted teeth that require more complex extraction procedures may require additional anesthesia or sedation.

Why May a Tooth Extraction Be Necessary?

Most dental professionals prefer to save natural teeth when possible, but sometimes extractions may be necessary to preserve a patient’s overall oral health.

Teeth may need to be extracted for a variety of reasons:

Impacted tooth. A tooth that does not erupt through the gums may be stuck under another tooth. This may result in the need for an extraction and can cause damage to adjacent tissues resulting in malformations, infection, pain or dental crowding.

Severe decay. A tooth that is severely decayed beyond repair will need to be extracted. If left in the mouth this can lead to infections that can spread to other areas and systems of the body.

Extensive damage. A broken or severely cracked tooth may need to be extracted.

Crowding. In some cases where there is not enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth, the teeth become crowded together. Extracting one or more teeth can alleviate crowding for orthodontic benefits.

Gum disease (periodontitis). Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue that may result in the need for tooth extraction in some cases.

Dental trauma. After an accident or localized trauma, teeth and underlying structures can be damaged to a point that artificial restorations are necessary. We can help get the patient prepared for their restorations and recover from their traumatic injury.

Wisdom teeth complications. Evolution is a wonderful thing, however with that complications can arise. Wisdom teeth for example, the third set of molars that typically develop between the ages of 17 and 25, can develop in undesirable ways. Wisdom teeth are often impacted (stuck below the gums) or they come in crooked and need to be extracted. Some patients require surgical intervention for these complications and for these surgeries we offer an array of treatments to help comfort the patient before, during and after their procedure. Ask our team about our anesthesia options and PRGF services for post operative healing.

Preparation for dentures or other prosthetic devices. When a patient has a majority of their teeth that are unable to be salvaged, dentures may be the only restorative option.

Cosmetic purposes. Teeth may need to be extracted for cosmetic purposes, such as before a specific dental restoration treatment can be done.

Abscess or bone infection. A dental abscess is a localized collection of pus associated with a tooth. The most common type of dental abscess is a periapical abscess, and the second most common is a periodontal abscess. In a periapical abscess, usually the origin is a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft, often dead, pulp of the tooth. This can be caused by tooth decay, broken teeth or extensive periodontal disease (or combinations of these factors). A failed root canal treatment may also create a similar abscess. A dental abscess is a type of odontogenic infection, although commonly the latter term is applied to an infection which has spread outside the local region around the tooth in question.

Why Choose Oral Facial Surgery of Orange Park?

Tooth extraction is a common procedure performed by a variety of dental professionals. Oral Facial Surgery of Orange Park specializes in tooth extraction and other dentoalveolar surgeries, making these procedures minimally invasive and as comfortable as possible. You can trust that we have the best interest of our patients in mind with every decision we make. We do our very best to make your experience stress-free and relaxing, which is why we offer a variety of anesthesia and sedation options for your convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Extractions

Does a tooth extraction hurt?
Local anesthesia is used to numb the area of the mouth where the tooth is being extracted so that you feel no discomfort. If the procedure will be complex or more invasive, we may recommend additional sedation such as nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation to ensure your comfort.
Is tooth extraction covered by insurance?
Most insurance plans cover tooth extraction when necessary. It may be covered at a certain percentage or portion and deductibles may apply. For specific information about the coverage included in your plan, contact your insurance provider. For a quote on your treatment needs, we suggest booking a consultation with us. We do not quote prices without seeing the patient in office and conducting a physical oral examination and reviewing radiographic images. A treatment plan will be made available to you after Dr. Semidey has diagnosed your treatment needs and discussed your options.
Do I have to have my wisdom teeth extracted?
More often than not, wisdom teeth cause problems for people. And because wisdom teeth are not necessary for effective chewing and eating, they are often extracted. However, if your wisdom teeth come in properly and cause no discomfort or pose any risk to the health of your teeth and jaw, they may be left in place.
How long does it take to recover from tooth extraction?
Recovery time after a tooth extraction depends on the situation. Extraction of a small tooth may cause a few days of discomfort as the tissue heals and the inflammation subsides. Extraction of large teeth, such as wisdom teeth, may take a bit longer. Follow your oral surgeon’s instructions for follow up care and contact us if you experience any post operative problems.
What can I eat after tooth extraction?
We usually recommend a liquid or soft food diet for the first 24-48 hours after tooth extraction. Then it is up to you when you are ready to eat more solid foods. It is important that you do not drink from a straw for the first few days following your extraction because it can lead to a condition called dry socket. We suggest sticking to a “toddler” diet. Anything you would feed a toddler or baby will be fine to eat. Many foods can cause damage to your surgical site or can even fracture your jaw depending on the procedure that was done. We strongly suggest finding nutrient dense options to give your body the optimal tools needed to recover. Smoothie and grain bowls are two of our favorite options to pack your body with the nutrients needed for tissue regeneration. Click the link for some of our favorite recipes and food options following oral surgery procedures.

To learn more, call 904-269-5195 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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2301 Park Ave, Suite #101
Orange Park, FL 32073
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